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Jazzy might be going illustrated! I've just written a short story that would be impossible for me to photograph. Well, not impossible, but improbable as it takes place in the country, on a farm, where there might be mountain lions. It would be a change of pace for me to do something like this.

In the mean time, I am working on Jazzy Colors. Dale, Jazzy and I drove down to Fort Boykin beach to get the photo for "blue" but found out it's not open until 8:30 am. We went back a little later. When I opened the bag to get the beach balls, they went flying away. We managed to get some fun pictures but lost 10 balls due to the wind and/or Jazzy puncturing the balls. Ha ha ha ha. She had fun chasing them around in the waves though.

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One would think that children’s books that are cute, fun, and have great photos (meaning my Jazzy Books) would sell at a children’s festival. But……… cue in the spinning cups, loud music, water fun, fried food, slushy drinks and cotton candy, and books become uninteresting no matter how cute they are.

To add to the all the distractions was a free keychain activity with colorful beads on one side of my tent and a “Teddy Bear Mobile” with stuffing that is blowing around in a large clear bin looking like cotton candy and dispensed like a slushy into the bear the child chooses, on the other.

Besides the atmosphere of fun and games was a feeling of entitlement. A lot of bigger businesses, like Xfinity, were giving away bright orange bags with their logo, book bags, hand clappers, etc. After passing this booth, then making their free key chain, children and parents were picking up items from my table and walking away with them. I felt awful asking them to pay for my Jazzy cubes and coloring books, but my goodness.

My little Jazzy’s Books business cannot compete with that type of atmosphere.

But, besides all that above, I did sell a few books, made a few children smile with a “free” Jazzy Cube with a book purchase, and basically broke even. (If you don’t count time and gas, ha ha ha ha)

On another note, I met some very interesting people. As I was entertaining myself taking photos in the Danville Old West End National Historic District, I met two gentlemen sitting on the porch of a beautifully restored home. I was invited to see inside and we played a little on the piano.

When I arrived at my Air B&B, there were two more guests than planned: A traveling nurse and an exchange student from Honduras. After my solitary dinner at a terrific Mexican restaurant, I took some sunset photos (not very remarkable but pretty) and I spent an hour or so just chatting with my new acquaintances.

Enjoy the photos.

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Being a vendor at a show is like farming. You never know what amount of people will show and you are at their mercy, as farmers are with the weather. I invested in the show because it has so many great reviews and a history of fantastic turnout. Who could have predicted that it would be so poorly attended? Nobody.

On a positive note, I met some wonderful people, tuned up my sales pitch, did market surveys for the cover of my books, and broke even. The only thing I am out is time, but books don't sell themselves.

I will continue with my vendor schedule. If you happen to be close to any of these places, stop by and say hello.

June 15: Danville Children's Festival in Danville, VA

July 20: Christmas in July at Parkview Church of God in Newport News, VA

Sept 14: Yorktown Craft & Vendor Fair at Yorktown Lodge 24 (maybe)

Oct 4-5: West Virginia Book Festival in Charleston, WV

Oct 12: Pets and Pumpkins at Ft. Monroe Brewery

Oct 26: Paws at the River in Yorktown, VA

Nov 1: York Book Expo in York, PA

Nov 16: Machen Elementary School Fair in Hampton, VA

Nov 23: Daughter's of Penelop Holiday Bazaar at Sts Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church, Newport New, VA

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