Theodore Elliott McGiboney is my grandson! Ryan, my son, and Justine are the best mom and dad ever. His other grandparents, Michelle and John, Rock!!!! Lucky Michelle gets to stay with them for a while. (I get my week in September and I'm already packed, ha ha ha. ) Aunt Rachel and Uncle Truman can't wait to meet him. Uncle Mark, that's Justine's brother, I'm sure is being a good uncle.
Everyone asks me what I want to be called. I wrote a poem about it and thought I'd share it.
You were born on the morning of a Waning moon
Into a world still recovering from fear.
But hush little Theo, you have no need to worry,
For mommy and daddy are near.
Not only that, you have grandma and pop
Your mommy’s daddy and mom.
Who will love you as much and will do what it takes
To keep you safe and calm.
On the other side, there are your daddy’s folks
Who think you are the best grandson ever.
We still aren’t sure what names we should use,
But I’m sure we will find something clever.
I could be Memaw or Nanny, Nonna or Granny
G-ma or Sweetie or Pipp.
Yaya or Mommom could also work
Or Mimzy, that might be it.
Whatever you choose will work for me
Even if it’s a name like Meo.
Me and all your grandparents too
Will always love you, Theo!